✨ We are delighted to share with you a few pictures from our 3rd GA that was hosted by our partner KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on the 27th of September.
🎊 The HYBRIDplus consortium celebrated 1 year of fruitful collaboration aiming to build and test a unique concept of hybrid Thermal Energy Storage pilot plant integrating metal and wool into the PCM to allow storing excess electricity from RE generation system and increase dispatchability of the energy stored.
🛤️ A tight tracking of our activities, motivation and excellent #teamwork has led to promising results at M12!
🤓 For more information regarding our project, we recommend you to read the interview of our project coordinator Cristina Prieto Rios by Protermosolar.
👉 Also, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter to follow our activities, the next video release (Q4 2023) and publications!
🌞 Thanks a lot to Rafael Guedez, Silvia Trevisan and Salvatore Guccione for making us enjoying our short stay in Sweden, with excellent hosting, interesting lab visit and enjoyable social programme!