HYBRIDplus project’s #1 review meeting in Brussels!

On 23rd April in Brussels, our 1st project review meeting was held. 

After 18 months of hard work, this gathering aims at presenting HYBRIDplus project progress to our project officer Charles-André Lemarie. 

We enter in depth into the technical work conducted by our partners:

– The conceptual scheme of the scaled-up plant was described in two different hybrid configurations (PV and Wind) and two electrification mechanisms for the hybridization of the TES modules were presented. (Build2Zero, Seico).

– The methodology for the PCM selection was explained. Interesting insights from this work is included in this publication,  by Luisa F. Cabeza et al., Material 2024. (Universitat de Lleida, STAX)

– Then the 5 steps cascade concept and the pre-selected materials for each step and the layout defined for the pilot plant was displayed and explained. (ETSi – Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla)

The most technical session was followed by a presentation of the assessment of four business cases detected at month 18 of the project. (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Then, progress and activities for communication, dissemination and exploitation were shared. (R2M Solution France)

Finally, our Coordinator Cristina Prieto Rios wrap-up the meeting.

The overall feedback received was very positive, specific constructive questions, requests and guidance were expressed by our project officer.

We are more than ever prepared and ready to tackle the tasks to be executed next on our path leading to the complete success of our project HYBRIDplus! 

Thanks for your interest and time.

Stay tuned! 

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